If you plan to trailer or ship your car, please review the important updates below.
Trailer Parking
Trailer parking will be located in the RV Lot at French Lick Resort. This lot is located across Monon Drive from the French Lick Resort.
Trailer parking is available July 9-18. A limited number of spaces are available, and your trailer must display your entrant number and the appropriate trailer window tag once registration opens on Sunday.
Please contact Kristen Holmes at kristen.holmes@conferencedirect.com by June 18 if you plan to park a trailer during Parade week for additional access details.
Transport Truck Delivery – Green Lot
If you are using a transport truck to ship your car, please contact Kristen Holmes at kristen.holmes@conferencedirect.com by June 18 and provide your delivery and pickup dates. All vehicles should be unloaded in the Green Lot.