Board a bus and have a relaxing evening at the Patoka Lake Winery with a wine tasting and dinner.
Patoka Lake is the second largest lake in Indiana, covering 8,800 acres over three counties, and offers all forms of water recreation. The Patoka Lake Winery sits at the entrance to Patoka Lake park and houses the wine production, large tasting room, and event center where we will have our group dinners on Monday and Thursday evenings.
The tour will start with a short 15-mile bus ride to Patoka Lake Winery. We will start with a sample of three varieties of wine followed by a catered dinner in the event center. Menu offerings are forthcoming.
You are free to sample and purchase wines prior to departing the winery since there is no driving to worry about! A unique feature of this winery is their WIne Slushie Bar with its variety of flavors: Margarita, Sangria, Peach, Strawberry, and so many more. Hint, hint: they go down very easily! This dinner tour is a great way to get your week started before the formal Parade Banquets begin or will be a nice break from them.
Tour offered on Monday evening, July 12, and Thursday evening, July 15. Capacity is 200 people.
Tour Note: Due to potential Indiana state restrictions on group gatherings during Parade Week because of the COVID-19 virus, Parade Tours may be modified, resulting in tour capacities decreased from what is shown. Updated information, along with any needed changes, should be available before Phase ll registration (April 7). This information is intended to provide an overview of this tour.